The First Step is Hardest.

Failure has always been a huge fear of mine. To the point of anxiety attacks, and I still have them but now I push through harder. I would give up before I even did any research. If I made it to the research stage, analysis paralysis would take over. I would become obsessed with findingContinueContinue reading “The First Step is Hardest.”

Take a look at my Canva design!

Take a look at my Canva design! Life is lifing right now. So I had to take a few moments and be very grateful. Things could be worse. Things always get better… eventually.

School is cancelled

My little fourgineer is stuck doing distance learning until the end of the academic school year. She misses her friends and teachers dearly. Which is why I think she has been acting out when asked to do her assignments. What am I supposed to do. I am trying everything to make sure she is enjoyingContinueContinue reading “School is cancelled”

The Fourgineer

*This was supposed to go up last week but…yeah life happened. Good morning, it’s Saturday and the kid is awake! I was not ready, especially since she has tried to sleep in all week. Now that we have nowhere to be and no reason to go. Still, it looks a little gloomy outside. So maybeContinueContinue reading “The Fourgineer”

Power Struggles

So we got up on this lovely morning and had a little adventure. We walked up the street and stopped to read. We had a moment when we got home. She wasn’t interested in doing what I asked. I just wanted to write in quiet. It was a true meeting of wills and nobody won.ContinueContinue reading “Power Struggles”

I haven’t done this in a while.

I haven’t posted a picture by myself or of myself in a long time. I don’t usually “feel” up to it, but today I do. My dirty camera actually worked in my favor 😆. I get stuck in mommy mode and have a hard time pulling back and being Kendra. Kendra likes pretty shirts, earrings,ContinueContinue reading “I haven’t done this in a while.”

The Gratitude List

I have been trying so hard to be a better version of myself. A better partner, a better mom, and a better writer. I do not always do this gracefully. I lash out at the ones I love. I send my kid off to play in her room because I just can’t at the moment.ContinueContinue reading “The Gratitude List”

Ready for fall, but summer won’t leave!

Texas just refuses to change seasons. Fall is trying to blow in, but summer just won’t move over. My baby got this vest for her birthday and could not wait to wear it. My little fashionista pulled this together, without my help or a care for the 100 degree weather. 😁 It’s is supposed toContinueContinue reading “Ready for fall, but summer won’t leave!”

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