How Changing Your Mindset Can Improve Your Life

Get some insight on improving your mindset and relationships with self and others. Look out for part 2 of this article on Thursday.

The First Step is Hardest.

Failure has always been a huge fear of mine. To the point of anxiety attacks, and I still have them but now I push through harder. I would give up before I even did any research. If I made it to the research stage, analysis paralysis would take over. I would become obsessed with findingContinueContinue reading “The First Step is Hardest.”

Take a look at my Canva design!

Take a look at my Canva design! Life is lifing right now. So I had to take a few moments and be very grateful. Things could be worse. Things always get better… eventually.

So Many Hats

Most days I am exhausted after doing all that needs to be done. Only to realize that I missed so many other things. This year things will be different. I am stepping into and accepting all the hats I must wear. Also I am leaving behind hats that no longer fit my situation and lifestyle.ContinueContinue reading “So Many Hats”

In The Shadows No More

I love the way the flower contrasts with the marble background.

The Fourgineer

*This was supposed to go up last week but…yeah life happened. Good morning, it’s Saturday and the kid is awake! I was not ready, especially since she has tried to sleep in all week. Now that we have nowhere to be and no reason to go. Still, it looks a little gloomy outside. So maybeContinueContinue reading “The Fourgineer”

Power Struggles

So we got up on this lovely morning and had a little adventure. We walked up the street and stopped to read. We had a moment when we got home. She wasn’t interested in doing what I asked. I just wanted to write in quiet. It was a true meeting of wills and nobody won.ContinueContinue reading “Power Struggles”

I haven’t done this in a while.

I haven’t posted a picture by myself or of myself in a long time. I don’t usually “feel” up to it, but today I do. My dirty camera actually worked in my favor 😆. I get stuck in mommy mode and have a hard time pulling back and being Kendra. Kendra likes pretty shirts, earrings,ContinueContinue reading “I haven’t done this in a while.”

Gratitude in action

I was feeling overwhelmed just before I wrote this. Earlier I had fallen victim to my irritation, but I chose to think it out this round. Gratitude List I am grateful for the nap I took today. I am grateful for the lifestyle I am allowed I am grateful for my loving daughter I amContinueContinue reading “Gratitude in action”

The Gratitude List

I have been trying so hard to be a better version of myself. A better partner, a better mom, and a better writer. I do not always do this gracefully. I lash out at the ones I love. I send my kid off to play in her room because I just can’t at the moment.ContinueContinue reading “The Gratitude List”

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