Take a look at my Canva design!

Take a look at my Canva design! https://canva.me/xiZxVDIbYcb Life is lifing right now. So I had to take a few moments and be very grateful. Things could be worse. Things always get better… eventually.


The sun shines brightly Through blind windows Eyes refuse to acknowledge The coming day Coffee warms the soul Pancakes fill the belly The bed become A book waits patiently Let the day pass In a haze of quiet Wistfully watching my Sunday Turn into a sundaze

On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft (Unabridged)

This book is good and I am so mad that I just found it. This practical no-frills advice was just what I have been needing. Also learning so much about such a great and talented author and what helped to get him going and staying in this profession was beyond thrilling. Knowing he was rejectedContinueContinue reading “On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft (Unabridged)”

Tired of Waiting

Mommy needs a new journal!

Take a look at my Canva design! https://canva.me/Ey6aw89H90 Mommy needs a new journal and why not design it myself. Playing around with a few design ideas. This fits into my procrastination with a purpose time. There is no such thing, but I needed a break from my own world for a while. Do you everContinueContinue reading “Mommy needs a new journal!”

Ready for fall, but summer won’t leave!

Texas just refuses to change seasons. Fall is trying to blow in, but summer just won’t move over. My baby got this vest for her birthday and could not wait to wear it. My little fashionista pulled this together, without my help or a care for the 100 degree weather. 😁 It’s is supposed toContinueContinue reading “Ready for fall, but summer won’t leave!”

Watch “Five Situations to Deepen Your Characters” on YouTube

https://youtu.be/gRYxeGW4d80 I found this video both fun and informative. I love the NaNo team, and highly suggest subscribing to their channel. Even if you’re not crazy enough to join in on the madness that is National Novel Writing Month this November.

Transparency: This blog is going to suck for a little bit, but that is okay, for now.

For the past couple of weeks, I have been considering closing up my blog, putting away my pens, and giving up. I want to quit and just say this wasn’t for me. This isn’t my time, but I had to ask myself, when will it ever be. When Marley gets older, when Jeremiah moves upContinueContinue reading “Transparency: This blog is going to suck for a little bit, but that is okay, for now.”


Time keeps slipping away Leaving a chasm and it’s obligations Life always moving Stuck in the same place Everyone around me Moving with grace I’m pressed for time I’m pressed for breath It depletes me It adds to me I recognize though Diamonds are born Under pressure

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