Take a look at my Canva design!

Take a look at my Canva design! https://canva.me/xiZxVDIbYcb Life is lifing right now. So I had to take a few moments and be very grateful. Things could be worse. Things always get better… eventually.

So Many Hats

Most days I am exhausted after doing all that needs to be done. Only to realize that I missed so many other things. This year things will be different. I am stepping into and accepting all the hats I must wear. Also I am leaving behind hats that no longer fit my situation and lifestyle.ContinueContinue reading “So Many Hats”

School is cancelled

My little fourgineer is stuck doing distance learning until the end of the academic school year. She misses her friends and teachers dearly. Which is why I think she has been acting out when asked to do her assignments. What am I supposed to do. I am trying everything to make sure she is enjoyingContinueContinue reading “School is cancelled”


The sun shines brightly Through blind windows Eyes refuse to acknowledge The coming day Coffee warms the soul Pancakes fill the belly The bed become A book waits patiently Let the day pass In a haze of quiet Wistfully watching my Sunday Turn into a sundaze

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