Procrastination Nation

Social media is a time suck. Especially when I’m anxious about my project, like now. So I thought it would be fun to raise my word count and kind of sort of procrastinate editing my #wallflower project. 1.Instagram: When I say this might be a real addiction it might. The Internet is so full ofContinueContinue reading “Procrastination Nation”

The threenager is now a fourgineer!

Today my life changed forever, and for the better. My Marley is four years old today. I remember nothing more vividly than the day she was born. I remember how excited I was. Never have I been that happy to be anywhere especially a hospital at four AM. I remember how cold the waiting roomContinueContinue reading “The threenager is now a fourgineer!”

Transparency: This blog is going to suck for a little bit, but that is okay, for now.

For the past couple of weeks, I have been considering closing up my blog, putting away my pens, and giving up. I want to quit and just say this wasn’t for me. This isn’t my time, but I had to ask myself, when will it ever be. When Marley gets older, when Jeremiah moves upContinueContinue reading “Transparency: This blog is going to suck for a little bit, but that is okay, for now.”


Time keeps slipping away Leaving a chasm and it’s obligations Life always moving Stuck in the same place Everyone around me Moving with grace I’m pressed for time I’m pressed for breath It depletes me It adds to me I recognize though Diamonds are born Under pressure

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